Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Laurie Halse Anderson;Puffin Publication

Summary: Melinda is a high school student that has refused to speak. There is something that has happened in here life that causes her to lose all of her friends. She wanders through school wondering what she is doing and why this major event happened to her. She finds an outlet through art, which really helps her express herself in a way other than words. Further into the book it is revealed that Melinda broke up a party and called the cops, which results in her losing her whole social life. Will she ever get a chance to speak the truth and be heard?

Personal Review: I found this book to be very cleverly written. I liked how the important events of the story are slowly revealed, which keeps you wanting more. I did not want to put this book down in fear that I might miss something important. I could also feel the pain and heartache of Melinda as she goes through life wondering and pondering for help and someone to talk to and truly listen to her. I really liked this book and would recommend it to everyone!

WARNING: Mild language, rape

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