Wednesday, October 14, 2009

After the First Death

After the First Death

Robert Cormier; Puffin Modern Classics

Summary: A school bus full of little children is hijacked and taken hostage to an old abandoned bridge. This is Miro's first mission, to kill someone. The bus driver is his target, but it isn't the man he thought and prepared to kill. Artkin is the ring leader. He makes the orders and expects Miro to follow them to exactness. As the situation escalates a general volunteers his son, Ben to be the innocent go-between. The stakes are high, and the danger even higher.

Personal Review: This book kept me on my toes from beginning to end! I loved it. There were somethings I thought I had all figured out, boy was I wrong. This book keeps you entertained the whole entire time. It is definitely a page turner, I could not put it down. It has depth and substance that I could hardly keep track of. It is a book that begs to be read again and again.

WARNING: Mild language, killing, drugs, torture

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