Wednesday, October 14, 2009

13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

Jay Asher; Razorbill

Summary: Out of nowhere Clay Jensen receives a set of tapes, tapes from Hannah Baker. Hannah Baker, the girl who he recently fell in love with, the girl who just killed herself. In the tapes Hannah gives the thirteen reasons why she killed herself. For each reason there is a person that someone effected her life. Clay is confused at to why he is on the tapes. He has to listen through all of the tapes to figure out what part he plays in her story and to figure out who the tapes go to next.

Personal Review: I found this book to be a huge page turner. I could not put it down. I actually read this book in one sitting. I was bound and determined to figure out how and why each person fit into the whole scheme of things.

WARNING: I would not recommend this book to everyone. It touches on very sensitive subjects. There is also language.

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