Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile

Kristiana Gregory; Scolastic

Summary: This is the fictional story of Cleopatra. At twelve years old Cleopatra "writes" this story in her own hand. She starts and twelve and explains all the trials she has to go through throughout her life. She describes her everyday life as a royal daughter and all the duties and tasks she is expected to perform. As her life progresses she must deal with more important She takes the reader with her on her journey through her entire life.

Personal Review: Personally I have always been a great fan of Cleopatra. I really liked this book because it is a very factual book. I always liked the way it was written from her voice, which added a very nice touch. I liked the fact that is was very descriptive while still covering so much material. I really liked this book, and I would recommend it to any person who wanted to learn while they enjoyed their reading experience.
WARNING: It is a tween book!

An Abundance of Katherines

An Abundance of Katherines
John Green; Penguin Group

Summary: After Colin, a child prodigy, is dumped by his nineteenth Katherine, and doesn't know what to do next in life. Nineteen Katherines later Colin sets out on a journey with his best friend to find some meaning in his life. They end up in a little town in Tennessee, living with Lindsey Lee Wells and her mother Hollis. Will Colin find that Eureka moment he has been searching for?

Personal Review: This book was such a fun read. I laughed throughout the whole book. I found it very clever how John Green wrote the book. I really liked how he would add little explanations at the bottom of the pages. I also liked at the end of the book how he had explanations of the previous diagrams and phrases in the book. This book kept me laughing, and it was very clever.

WARNING: Language


Laurie Halse Anderson;Puffin Publication

Summary: Melinda is a high school student that has refused to speak. There is something that has happened in here life that causes her to lose all of her friends. She wanders through school wondering what she is doing and why this major event happened to her. She finds an outlet through art, which really helps her express herself in a way other than words. Further into the book it is revealed that Melinda broke up a party and called the cops, which results in her losing her whole social life. Will she ever get a chance to speak the truth and be heard?

Personal Review: I found this book to be very cleverly written. I liked how the important events of the story are slowly revealed, which keeps you wanting more. I did not want to put this book down in fear that I might miss something important. I could also feel the pain and heartache of Melinda as she goes through life wondering and pondering for help and someone to talk to and truly listen to her. I really liked this book and would recommend it to everyone!

WARNING: Mild language, rape

Living Dead Girl

Living Dead Girl
Elizabeth Scott;Simon Pulse

Summary: Alice is a fifteen year old girl who was stolen by Ray at age ten. After five years of trying to keep her little she is beginning to become to old. She has grown to much, gained too much weight and it is time to move on to a younger girl. Alice's job is to find another "Alice." She knows that after she find this other "Alice" she will be killed, but being dead is much better than being with Ray. She has to decide which little girl will be the best "Alice." Does she really want to have another girl take her place? Does she want another girl to suffer as she has suffered?

Personal Review: Although this book is somewhat disturbing and creepy I really liked it. It deals with some very interesting issues. This is another one of those books that just kept me reading until the very last page. I did not put this book down for one single moment. The way Alice narrates the story and talks about what she used to be and what she has become is chilling. I really liked this book, and I would highly recommend it to many; however, I do think that it should be recommended to a more mature audience.

WARNING: Rape, mild language, sensitive sexual material, drugs, violence

After the First Death

After the First Death

Robert Cormier; Puffin Modern Classics

Summary: A school bus full of little children is hijacked and taken hostage to an old abandoned bridge. This is Miro's first mission, to kill someone. The bus driver is his target, but it isn't the man he thought and prepared to kill. Artkin is the ring leader. He makes the orders and expects Miro to follow them to exactness. As the situation escalates a general volunteers his son, Ben to be the innocent go-between. The stakes are high, and the danger even higher.

Personal Review: This book kept me on my toes from beginning to end! I loved it. There were somethings I thought I had all figured out, boy was I wrong. This book keeps you entertained the whole entire time. It is definitely a page turner, I could not put it down. It has depth and substance that I could hardly keep track of. It is a book that begs to be read again and again.

WARNING: Mild language, killing, drugs, torture

Split Image

Split Image

Mel Glenn; HarperTeen

Summary: Laura Li is an immigrant from China. The whole book is in poems and each poem is from a different person somehow involved in Laura Li's life. It goes through the challenges she faces trying to fit in in America. She becomes an assistant to the librarian and gains many friends and some enemies from her position. She is judged by so many and it comes to the point where she cannot take it anymore.

Personal Review: I found this book to be very interesting. It was not one of my favorites, but it was good in a different sense. First of all this is a book I would have never read, but after reading it I feel like I have learned a different perspective of life. It really opened my eyes to a larger more diverse world.

WARNING: Mild language, teen parties, drugs

13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

Jay Asher; Razorbill

Summary: Out of nowhere Clay Jensen receives a set of tapes, tapes from Hannah Baker. Hannah Baker, the girl who he recently fell in love with, the girl who just killed herself. In the tapes Hannah gives the thirteen reasons why she killed herself. For each reason there is a person that someone effected her life. Clay is confused at to why he is on the tapes. He has to listen through all of the tapes to figure out what part he plays in her story and to figure out who the tapes go to next.

Personal Review: I found this book to be a huge page turner. I could not put it down. I actually read this book in one sitting. I was bound and determined to figure out how and why each person fit into the whole scheme of things.

WARNING: I would not recommend this book to everyone. It touches on very sensitive subjects. There is also language.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Jeff Kinney; Amulet Books

Summary: This is a story of middle schooler, Greg Heffley. The story takes place out of his diary. He takes the reader through all of his adventures during middle school. The reader is allowed into his very mind, and life. He takes the reader through his year of ups and downs and heaven forbid...the cheese touch!!

Personal Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It was completely hilarious. It took me back to middle school and there were so many things that I could totally relate to. Greg is the most hilarious middle schooler I have ever encountered. The whole book is nonstop comedy. Every person, in middle school or not, should read this book!
WARNING: You might pee your pants!

Stop Pretending

Stop Pretending:What Happened Why My Big Sister Went Crazy
Sonya Sones; HarperTeen

Summary: This is a story about a 13- year old girl who has to deal with her sister going crazy. The book is in all poems. In these poems she describes how she copes with her sister changing and the results of her family changing also. The poems describe her life and how she has to deal with her sister going crazy, yet still loving and accepting her as her sister.

Personal Review: I really liked the way this book was written. I liked how it was written in poems. It was really precise, yet very deep at the same time. Reading this book really gives an insight into her life and how she has to deal with those challenges. I would highly recommend this book to everyone.

WARNING: Minor anger tantrums

Wicked Lovely

Wicked Lovely

Melissa Marr; HarperTeen

Summary: A young girl that can see fairies is suddenly being followed by them. She as always been able to see them, but they have never followed her. She has finally got things going good for her. Her best friend is slowing becoming her best friend and she couldn't be happier. Suddenly she finds herself being pursued by the fairy king. He tells her that they must fall in love and she must take an oath to be the fairy queen or all the fairies will die and their world will cease to exist. Can she leave her new life behind and give up her new found love, or will she sacrifice all she has to save a world she has been trying to avoid all her life?
Personal Review: I really liked this book. I found that it was very realistic and could easily be applied to making real life decisions. The whole interweaving of the fairy world with the real world was really intriguing. I found the story as a whole to be very entertaining. I found myself wanting more and more. I am looking forward to the next book!
WARNING: Contains some mild language.