Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Published by Viking Juvenile 

Summary: This is a story about a young girl that is confused after her parents divorce. She decides to go visit her dad and her stepmother at their beach house with their new baby. She ends up taking a job from her stepmother, and there she learns more about herself. Having not been able to sleep since she was young her nightlife becomes a journey with her new friend Eli. Will she change during or the summer or stay the same boring person she was when she came to the town.

Personal Review: I really liked this book.  I liked how she grew and changed throughout the book. I really liked how I was able to be drawn into the story and follow her on her journey to becoming a better person. I would recommend this story to every young adult.

WARNING: Sensuality. Minor cussing. Partying.

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