Monday, December 14, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
Published by Harper Trophy

Summary: Cole is a teen with some serious anger problems.After he gets tattled on for a robbery, Cole beats up the kid that told, Peter. He gets the option of going to prison or the Native American Circle Justice. Not wanting to go to prison, Cole chooses the Native American Circle Justice. Cole finds out that he will be spending a year in isolation on an island in Alaska. Cole is determined to show up all those that "don't care" about him. A few days into his stay he is attacked by a bear and almost dies. The near death experience gives Cole the desire to live and to change his life.

Personal Review: I thought this book was very good. I was so mad at this kid and I just wanted him to get what he deserved. I found that after he got attacked by the bear I kind of felt sorry for him. As I watched him make a total change of heart I was so happy. I thought this was an excellent book. I would highly recommend this book! I especially think that young adult boys would find interest in this book.

WARNING: Violence

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