Monday, December 14, 2009


Godless by Pete Hautman
Published by Simon Pulse

Summary: Jason Bock decides that his parents religion is a bunch of bogus and that he doesn't believe in it. Searching for something to believe in Jason turns to the town water tower and makes it his new god. Jason starts gathering some worshippers and they start their own church. The new god starts out as just something to believe in, but with the new followers and new ideas things start to change. The harmless water tower god, begins to be a dangerous game.

Personal Review: I really enjoyed reading this book. I could really relate to these kids. I could even imagine me coming up with some new religion. (Don't worry I'm not going to.) I thought it was interesting the whole theme of faith in the book. It really made me think about my faith and where it is. I would recommend this book to everyone.

WARNING: Dangerous stunts, and you might question your own faith.

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