Monday, December 14, 2009

First Boy

First Boy by Gary D. Schmidt
Read by Jesse Berns; An Unbridged Production
Summary: After the death of his grandfather, his only guardian, Cooper has all responsibility thrust on him. With no one to help him Cooper must run the dairy farm. Soon a politician comes into town and ask Cooper to be part of his campaign. Cooper has his responsibility at the farm, but the politician seems bound and determined to have Cooper on his campaign, but why?

Personal Review: This was my first time listening to an audio book. I am not going to lie I had a hard time staying focused. I really thought the story was good, and the plot was interesting. I just wish the narrator would have had a more exciting voice.

WARNING: If you have ADD stay away. Boring voice might put you to sleep. 


Bound by Donna Jo Napoli
Published by Simon Pulse

Summary: Bound is the retelling of the Cinderella story, only in China. Xing Xing's father has died and she must put up with her stepmother and her daughter. She is always talked down to and treated like dirt. Her only happiness is the white carp, that Xing Xing thinks is her mother. When the stepmother kills the carp, Xing Xing recovers the bones and hides them. She then discovers a gown and slippers from her mother. Will Xing Xing find her prince?

Personal Review: This book was so good. I loved this story better than the original Cinderella story. The setting in the China, the binding of the feet, the prince...I loved it all! This book comes highly recommended from me. Read it!

WARNING: Foot binding, evil stepmother


Inexcusable by Chris Lynch
Published by Ginee Seo Books

Summary: Keir is a highschooler that thinks he is a good guy. Everyone thinks he is the good guy, but is he? Did he really do what Gigi said he did? There is no way he would have done such a thing. Keir goes through his whole senior year, coming up with evidence in his defense of being a good guy. Is Keir really who he thinks he is, or do his actions speak louder than words?

Personal Review: I really enjoyed this book. At first I was too sure about it, but once it got going I could not put it down. I thought the writing was brilliant. I really got into this book.

WARNING: Rape, Language, Drinking and Partying

Love Changes Everything

Love Changes Everything Arlynn Presser
Published by Bantam Books

Summary: Gigi has always dreamed of having Jack Chandler in her life. Ethan has always wanted Gigi, secretly. Gigi is bound and determined to be with Jack. Once they are together it isn't quite like she thought it would be. Gigi must try and deal with the conflicting ideas of love and lust. She has to do some soul searching to find out what she really wants, and what will really make her happy.

Personal Review: This book was interesting. It is the typical story of a girl who falls for the bad guy when there is the good guy right there in front of her. This book was pretty predictable, but it provided me with some laughter.

WARNING: Mushy mushy love story.

Princess Diaries

Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Published by Harper Trophy

Summary: Mia Thermopolis is just an ordinary teen living an ordinary life. She has a huge crush on the hottest guy in school, and she is just trying to pass Algebra. Suddenly her father comes and reveals to her that he isn't just a politician but a prince of a small country, Genovia. Now Mia has to take lessons from her crazy grandma, "Grandmere" on how to be a princess.

Personal Review: I personally loved this book. It was pretty funny. Mia is so comical, and reminds me of myself sometimes. Although this book is really fluffy and girly, it kept me entertained the whole time. I would highly recommend this to all.

WARNING: Mild language, sexual humor

Cherry Ames: Army Nurse

Cherry Ames: Army Nurse by Helen Wells
Published by Springer Publishing Company

 Summary: Cherry Ames is at is again! She is just graduating and now she has a big decision to make. Should she stay home and practice her nursing, or should she enlist in the military. After analyzing every option Cherry enlists in the army without knowing where she will be sent. After some very intense training Cherry is shipped off to Panama City, where many new and wonderful adventures await her!

Personal Review: I am not going to lie, I had a hard time staying focused on this book. It was very humorous, and I know it was not intended to be. It was interesting to read and it made me be more appreciative of the talent writers have today. I would not recommend this book to people with ADD.

WARNING: Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Published by Scholastic Press

Summary: In a place called Panem there are twelve districts. In each of these districts one boy and one girl are chosen to participate in the "Hunger Games." In the games each tribute must fight one another to the death, the last tribute standing wins fame and food. After taking the place of her sister, Katniss becomes one of those tributes. Also from her district is Peeta, the boy who saved her life. A rule change comes into effect and if gives Katniss and Peeta the opportunity to win together, but first they have to survive the games and the others that are after their lives.

Personal Review: My new favorite book!!! Need I say more? This book kept me on the edge of my bed the whole night. I could not put it down. I even cried in this book. The whole night I dreamt of fighting for my life. This book is really intense and everyone should have to read this!

WARNING: Killing, Violence, Graphic images in a mind like mine.

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Published by Disney-Hyperion

Summary: At age twelve, Artemis is a criminal mastermind. Artemis and his two accomplices in crime deceive a plan to steal the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They plan to steal one of the fairies and hold her ransom for the pot of gold. Little does he know that the other fairies, dwarfs, and trolls are not going to give up without a fight.

Personal Review: I really enjoyed this book. It had be laughing the whole time. I really loved all of the characters. I especially liked the Butler. I thought this story should be read by everyone. It is a quick read, and full of adventure and fun.

Warning: You might start devising evil plots of your own.


Godless by Pete Hautman
Published by Simon Pulse

Summary: Jason Bock decides that his parents religion is a bunch of bogus and that he doesn't believe in it. Searching for something to believe in Jason turns to the town water tower and makes it his new god. Jason starts gathering some worshippers and they start their own church. The new god starts out as just something to believe in, but with the new followers and new ideas things start to change. The harmless water tower god, begins to be a dangerous game.

Personal Review: I really enjoyed reading this book. I could really relate to these kids. I could even imagine me coming up with some new religion. (Don't worry I'm not going to.) I thought it was interesting the whole theme of faith in the book. It really made me think about my faith and where it is. I would recommend this book to everyone.

WARNING: Dangerous stunts, and you might question your own faith.

Touching Spirit Bear

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
Published by Harper Trophy

Summary: Cole is a teen with some serious anger problems.After he gets tattled on for a robbery, Cole beats up the kid that told, Peter. He gets the option of going to prison or the Native American Circle Justice. Not wanting to go to prison, Cole chooses the Native American Circle Justice. Cole finds out that he will be spending a year in isolation on an island in Alaska. Cole is determined to show up all those that "don't care" about him. A few days into his stay he is attacked by a bear and almost dies. The near death experience gives Cole the desire to live and to change his life.

Personal Review: I thought this book was very good. I was so mad at this kid and I just wanted him to get what he deserved. I found that after he got attacked by the bear I kind of felt sorry for him. As I watched him make a total change of heart I was so happy. I thought this was an excellent book. I would highly recommend this book! I especially think that young adult boys would find interest in this book.

WARNING: Violence