Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Look to Him

In Numbers 21, the children of Israel began to murmur against God and Moses, so God sent the curse or the “fiery serpents.” Elder Boyd K. Packer said of this matter, ““‘How silly,’ some must have said. ‘How can such a thing cure me? I’ll not show my stupidity by paying any attention,’ and some would not look. . . .“And today many say, ‘How silly! How could accepting Christ save me?’ They will not turn their
heads to look nor incline their ears to hear. They ignore the great witness that comes from these
conferences. We ought to, indeed we must, heed the counsel of these men, for the Lord said, ‘What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.’” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1968, pp. 75–76.) Today, there are people that won’t look to Christ, even though, like the brazen serpent, it is so simple.

In our daily lives as we position our lives to mirror that of the Savior we are showing to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, that we are trying to follow them and in turn that we are “looking” to them to save us and heal us. In today’s world we see people turning to other people such as doctors, shrinks, themselves or other people in general. There are those that worship nature, idols or money. The whole world is a major distraction from the Savior. People go to these different outlets and think that they will be healed or saved through their own power, but we have learned and been taught that it is only through our Savior Jesus Christ that we can be saved. It is through the basic primary answers of prayer, scripture study and church that we are healed through our Savior Jesus Christ.

In my own life I have seen the healing powers of the Lord in my daily life. Sometimes it is just that peace within me that allows me to get through the day. Other times it is a beautiful sunrise or sunset that let me know through the spirit that the Savior loves me and I feel the burdens of the world falling away. I often think of a quote that my teacher told me and that is: “When we put our trust in the Lord, the things in your life will fall in place or they will fall out of your life.” This has helped me make it through a lot of rough patches. Just knowing that by turning to the Lord and looking to him I will receive strength is enough power and evidence for me to continue to look to my Savior and be healed.
The following link is a Mormon Message that shows various people and the beautiful reactions they had after turning to the Lord and “looking to” Him.

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