Saturday, October 23, 2010

Becoming a Disciple of Christ

“To become a disciple means a decisive and irrevocable turning to both God and neighbor. What follows from there is a journey which…never ends in this life, a journey of continually discovering new dimensions of loving God and neighbor.”
-David J. Bosch

Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is no simple task. Many different things go into becoming a pure disciple of Christ. From reading in the New Testament, I have compiled a list of some of the qualities it takes to become a disciple of Christ.

    Choose the Savior
    Ask, Seek & Knock
    Lay up treasures in heaven
    Be prepared
    Stay on the Strait
    Forsake everything
    Endure to the end
    Partake of his salvation
    Offer your souls
    Become as a child
    Total trust in Christ

Keeping this list in mind, it is clear that there are many things that is takes to be a disciple of Christ. One of the characteristics I could more apply in my life would be to have total trust in Christ. There are some things in my life that I do have total faith in Christ. Then there are times when I rely more in the arm of flesh. Sometimes I think that I need to take things into my own hands. I have this idea in my head that I can fix things on my own. I like being independent. When I have a problem, I want to fix it all on my own and have no one to help me. This idea goes for all aspects in my life. I will pray and fast, but I will not exercise the total faith and trust in my Savior that I know I should. This is definitely one area that I need to work on. I know that if I were to give everything to my Savior, and put my complete trust in Him, I would be surprised at the blessings I could receive.

To become a disciple of Christ is not easy. It takes a lot of forsaking ones self and world. We must give up everything, without resentment. We must want to become His disciples. He must have our heart, mind and spirit focused on the goal. Every aspect of our lives needs to be pointed toward Christ and His example. When we master all the above stated qualities, we then have to endure to the end.

“He never said it would be easy. He only said it be worth would it.”

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