Friday, September 24, 2010

Miracles: Faith and God's Power

" To comprehend the works of Christ, one must know Him as the Son of God; to the man who has not yet learned to know, to the honest soul who would inquire after the Lord, the invitation is ready; let him 'Come and see.' "
--Talmage, Jesus the Christ, pp.148-149

Miracles of the Lord
Who Demonstrated Faith
Matthew 8:1-4
 Jesus heals the leper.
 The leper and Christ.
Matthew 8:5-13
 Jesus heals the servant.
 The centurion/master and Christ.
Matthew 8:14-15
 Jesus heals Peter's mother- in-law.
 Peter, the mother-in-law, the wife and Christ.
Matthew 8:16
 Jesus casts devils out.
 The possessed and Christ. 
Matthew 8:23-27
 Christ calms the sea.
Matthew 8:28-34
 Christ casts out evil spirits into the pigs.
Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34
 Christ heals the woman with the blood issue.
 The woman and Christ.                 
Matthew 9:27-31
 Christ restores sight to the blind.
 The two blind  men and Christ.
Mark 2:1-12
 Christ heals the sick of palsy.
 The sick, the  friends/family that lowered the sick through the roof. Christ.

Knowing that my Savior Jesus Christ, has this kind of power increases my faith. I have been witness to many miracles in my life. It is through my faith in Christ that I know such miracles occurred. 

Not very long ago my younger sister was very sick. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I remember as soon as I knew, I ran outside in the quiet night and prayed. I prayed the most sincere prayer I have ever prayed. Looking up at the stars in that huge night sky I prayed. With tears streaming down my face I begged for my sister's life. I begged for comfort, for both myself and my family. I begged for a reassurance that everything would be okay. I remember walking into her room and seeing her lying there so lifeless. As my father asked her if she wanted a blessing I recall just screaming in my head to please, please give her a blessing. I knew that if he did, she would be alright. I had the faith that she would be okay.

After the doctor came and took her away I went outside with a dear, dear friend to meditate and pray. As I laid there beneath the stars I thought of all the many blessings and miracles I have had in my life. I pondered all the great miracles Christ has performed. I prayed most of the night away for my sister. I thought about how blessed I had been to have had a sister. How blessed I was to have shared everything with her. Then I thought of how much I had taken it for granted. As I laid there pleading for another chance, I had a calm come over me that everything would indeed be alright.

My sister came home later that night. She was going to be alright. Relief flooded over me. Gratitude burst from my spirit. A miracle had been performed. My Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ had saved my sister. What joy filled my heart knowing that my prayers had been answered. No words can express how I felt knowing that she would be alright.

The next day my two little cousins, ages 4 and 6, that had been staying the night came up to me. They looked up at me and said, " We prayed that Lindsey would get better." Oh, the faith of little children. In the midst of everything that went on that night, they had sensed something amiss and had prayed. It amazed me how faithful they could be at such a young age. The knew that if they prayed, their prayers would be answered.

It is through this experience and so many others that I believe in my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He lives. I know that He watches over us, each and everyday. I know that He knows what is best for us. He did and still does perform miracle today. I am a firm believer in that. Knowing this makes life so much sweeter. This knowledge allows me to go through life knowing that I am never alone. He will continue to comfort, support, love and perform miracles in my behalf, if I meet Him halfway and exercise the necessary faith.

"...Be not afraid, only believe."
-Mark 5:36

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