Friday, December 10, 2010

Peter: A Fisher of Men

“His eyes had seen, his ears had heard, and his heart
had understood and accepted the wondrous
happenings of the days from the baptism of the Master
in the waters of Jordan to the ascension of his
Redeemer from the Mount of Olives.”
--Spencer W. Kimball

The apostle Peter has often times caught a lot of slack. When most people thing about Peter they think about his denials before the crucifixion of Christ. Most people tend to bring out the negatives about Peter. It is true that Peter had his mistakes, but who hasn’t? In a moment of weakness he might have denied knowing Christ, but do we know all the circumstances? I think not.

I believe that Peter was a great disciple and prophet.  It is my idea that if the Savior of the world picked him, then He was picking a great guy. When we say that we believe in Jesus Christ I think it is important to remember that we are also supporting and believing in the decisions he made. I don’t think that Christ would have willingly picked someone who wasn’t worthy to be around Him. Everyone has learning experiences and stumbling blocks in their path, but it is what they do with those stumbling blocks that make the people. Peter took the experiences he went through and allowed them to make him a better man. He learned from the mistakes and challenges and used them as a catalyst to do more.

I think something that I could take from Peter would be his faith and the way he bounced back. One of my favorite stories is when Peter walked on water. What great faith he had! How could people deny his faith? Most people would only remember the way he fell in the water, but I like to remember that he was able to walk on the water, if only for a while. When Peter denied the Savior he felt such remorse. It said he “wept bitterly.” He repented sincerely for what he had done. I don’t think anyone really knows how terrible Peter felt and how sincerely he repented.  I think that Peter is a wonderful example to me and to those all around the world. Peter took the experiences in his and made them into great experiences. He was the man he became because of all the things that he was able to endure. I think there can be a lot said knowing that Christ would leave the keys to Peter.

“When Christ chose this fisherman for his first and
chief apostle, he was taking no chances. He picked a
diamond in the rough—a diamond that would need to
be cut, trimmed, and polished by correction,
chastisement, and trials—but nevertheless a diamond
of real quality.”
--Spencer W. Kimball

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

He Will Not Leave Us

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”--John 14:18

I don’t think there are more comforting words anywhere in the Bible. This simple phrase has given me strength and hope in so many different times in my life.  It is so beautiful to know that our Savior made a way that we could be comforted and have Him with us, especially through the hardest times of our lives.

When Christ is about to the end of His life, He lets the disciples know that He will not leave them without comfort and hope. He teaches them about the Holy Ghost. He tells them that the Holy Ghost will be the spirit of truth to them and will comfort and abide with them. Christ told His disciples that the Holy Ghost would bring things to their remembrance that He had taught them. He would offer them peace.

The disciples were able to continue their missions after the Savior left because of the Holy Ghost. By bringing things to their remembrance and by helping them teach they were able to help many people. It is widely said that “the spirit converts. I think that this was the case with the disciples. If they wouldn’t have had the Holy Ghost, I don’t think a whole lot of work would have gotten done.

The Holy Ghost has been there in circumstances that I might not have even realized.  There are times when I know that the still small voice has directed me in the way that I should go. I cannot think of a personal experience where the Holy Ghost has done this amazingly great story, but I have a collection of small stories. Just in my everyday life I know that he is there directing me. When my grandparents were in a bad accident and I was miles and miles away I felt totally helpless. I wanted so badly to be nearer and be able to help them, just to see them. I remember calling the temple and having them put on the prayer roll. Immediately, I felt a calming come over me and reassured me that everything would be alright. I am very thankful for the Holy Ghost and the role he has played and continues to play in my life. I’m so very grateful for that amazing gift.

"Peace I leave unto you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." --John 14:27